Our Services

Welcome to mindfulascensions, where we offer transformative services to support your spiritual and personal growth. Explore our offerings below.

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mindfulascensions services

Welcome to mindfulascensions, where we offer transformative services to support your spiritual and personal growth. Explore our offerings below.


Guided meditations are immersive experiences where clients are led through a series of calming and focusing exercises. They typically involve deep breathing, visualization, and body awareness techniques to help relax the mind and body, reduce stress, and promote mindfulness. Whether you’re new to meditation or seasoned in meditating; guided meditations offer a structured way to deepen your practice, maintain focus on the present, and connect to your higher self to ultimately cultivate inner peace. Guided meditations are conducted in both audio or video methods. They’re suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike, providing structure and support for your meditative experience.
You can visit Mindful Ascensions frequently asked questions for more information.
**All guided mediations are conducted via zoom**
Guided Meditations 30- Minute = $45.00
Guided Meditations 60- Minute = $80.00


Affirmation card pulls involve selecting a card from a deck of affirmations based on a number you provide (1-99). Each card contains a positive affirmation used for the purpose of reciting an uplifting message, or thought-provoking statement. The chosen card is meant to provide guidance, inspiration, or encouragement for the week or a particular situation. Affirmation card pulls are considered as a way to set intentions, gain insight, or simply uplift one’s spirits. It’s a popular practice in mindfulness and self-care routines, offering a quick and easy way to connect with positive energy and affirmations.
Intuitive affirmations are statements or phrases that are crafted from affirmation card pulls and  cultivated by intuitive guidance to resonate with your inner wisdom. Unlike traditional affirmations that may be more generic, intuitive affirmations are tailored to your specific needs, desires, and intuition. They are designed to align with your core values and goals, helping you to manifest positive change in your life. Intuitive affirmations can be used as part of meditation, visualization, or recited as a daily affirmation practice to reinforce positive thinking and empower personal growth.
Affirmation Card Readings are selected by a number you provide (1-99), to personalize your experience.
Affirmation Card Readings – Intuitive are selected by a number you provide (1-99), intertwined with an brief intuitive read. This personalizes your experience and combines intuitive insight and guidance.
Please visit Mindful Ascensions frequently asked questions, for more information.
**All Affirmation card readings are conducted via email to allow clients to personally organize them and utilize when needed.**
Affirmation Card Pull (Qty 1) = $15.00
Affirmation Card - Intuitive (Qty 1) = $25.00

Transformative Life Coaching Services

Deep Transformational Life Coaching or DT- Life Coaching, is conducted professionally and combines traditional life coaching techniques with intuitive guidance. The purpose is to assist clients identify and overcome obstacles, set and achieve goals, and create positive change in their lives. What sets this apart from traditional life coaching, is integrating the ability of tapping into intuition for the purpose of providing deeper insights and guidance tailored to each client’s unique needs and circumstances. The goal is to empower clients to live authentically, align with their purpose, and create a life that is fulfilling and meaningful to them.
Combining tools and techniques, such as meditation, visualization, energy work, and intuitive readings, to support clients in their personal and spiritual growth journey only enhances the experience of DT-Life Coaching.
See package options available or feel free to add on individualized services. Additionally, you can visit Mindful Ascensions frequently asked questions, for more information.
** All DT- Life Coaching Sessions are conducted through video via zoom or phone.*
Deep Transformational Life Coaching 30-Minute = $175.00
Deep Transformational Life Coaching 60-Minute = $275.00

Intuitive Q&A Readings

Intuitive Q&A readings involve guidance and insights from an intuitive reader or psychic by asking specific questions about various aspects of life. During the reading, the intuitive reader taps into their intuition to provide answers, advice, and clarity based on the questions asked. The questions can cover topics such as relationships, career, finances, health, and spiritual growth. Intuitive Q&A readings are a way to gain perspective, validation, and guidance on current situations or decisions. 
Please visit Mindful Ascensions frequently asked questions for more information.
**Intuitive Q&A Readings are conducted utilizing natural abilities (Clair’s) Tools like tarot cards, oracle cards, affirmation cards, pendulum etc., can be integrated with intuitive Q&A reading sessions upon “special request,” with advance notice (subject to additional fees). Intuitive readings can be conducted over the phone or online, depending on your personal preference.**
Intuitively Led Q&A Reading 15-Minute = $55.00
Intuitively Led Q&A Reading 30-Minute = $111.00
Intuitively Led Q&A Reading 60- Minute = $222.00

Energy Healing Services

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique developed in the early 20th century, that involves channeling universal life force energy to promote balance, relaxation, and well-being. Hands-on-Healing is a widely known technique that is administered and researched in laboratories in a variation of universities throughout the world.
Reiki is believed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being by balancing the flow of energy within the body. Some people find it helps with pain management, improves sleep, and supports emotional healing. 
** Important** 
Mindful Ascensions does not condone animal testing.
Cancer and Hands-on Healing research conducted at the University of Indiana, on control groups of mice who were injected with cancer cells, have shown reduction in tumors when administering Hands-on-Healing in combination with visualization techniques. Hands-on-Healing with positive visualizations significantly reduced tumors in mice injected with cancer in comparison to those control groups of mice where Hands-on-Healing was not administered. 
While scientific evidence is limited, practitioners and recipients continue to report positive experiences with Reiki.
Distant Reiki Energy Healing is a form of alternative therapy where a Reiki practitioner sends healing energy to the recipient who is not physically present. 
During a distant Reiki session, the practitioner connects with the recipient energetically and sends healing energy to them, regardless of their location. This can be done through intention, visualization, and the use of Reiki symbols. The recipient may feel sensations such as warmth, tingling, or relaxation, even though the practitioner is not physically touching them.
Distant Reiki energy healing can be beneficial for those who are unable to receive in-person sessions due to distance, illness, or other reasons. It can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, alleviate pain, balance chakras, and support overall health and healing.
** Video sessions are subject to availability**
Distance Reiki can be administered by sending a photo or conducting a video session depending on our client’s personal preference and the availability of Mindful Ascensions.
Guided Meditations 30- Minute = $45.00
Guided Meditations 60- Minute = $80.00

Guided Meditations With Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki with Guided meditation can be administered by sending a photo or conducting a video/phone session depending on our client’s personal preference and the availability of Mindful Ascensions.
Combining tools and techniques, such as meditation, visualization, and energy work, to support clients in their personal and spiritual growth journey enhances the experience of DT-Life Coaching – 
*See subscriptions for more combination options or feel free to add on additional services individually. Additionally, you can visit Mindful Ascensions frequently asked questions for more information*
** Video sessions are subject to availability**
Affirmation Card Pull (Qty 1) = $15.00
Affirmation Card - Intuitive (Qty 1) = $25.00
Special Offer

15% Off for New Visitors

Maecenas exercitationem nonummy. Urna, posuere provident? Sociis voluptatibus, ridiculus maecenas minima ipsa laboris bibendum.


Welcome to mindfulascensions, where we offer transformative services to support your spiritual and personal growth. Explore our offerings below.

Newbee Plan

297 $ For Beginners
  • Full Access To The Gym
  • One Year Subscription
  • Nutrition Program
Most Popular

Champ Plan

365 $ For Advanced
  • Full Access To The Gym
  • One Year Subscription
  • Monthly Nutrition Program

Master Plan

450 $ For Pro
  • Full Access To The Gym
  • One Year Subscription
  • Full package
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