Most people measure their level of success by the type of degree they receive, or the amount of money in their bank account. Then it hits them; they have what they want, but they're not as happy as they thought they would be. They begin to wonder what they have missed... What they have overlooked. You won't have this problem because what is often overlooked is doing the inner work first. What is the point of having a nice car if you don't have peace of mind driving it? What is the point of having money if you're energetically broke? By conquering the thrones of your inner kingdom first, true happiness becomes more concrete. Transform your way of thinking and habits that weigh you down. Take ownership over your life and take back control over your emotional state of mind. Manage your time more effectively and achieve the results that lead to true internal happiness. Your only role model should be your future self. Your success is waiting...

Want to get unstuck? I can help you.

Book a Free 60 Minute Consult Call

Skilled coaching so you can protect your energy and process emotions

Do do you wake up with a feeling of anxiety and always think you are not doing enough? Do you have a long to-do list, and worry about disappointing people? Is it hard for you to say “no” without justifying it? If so, your worry stops here. I can help you

It’s time to get control over your thoughts, emotions and energy.

The problem is not your ‘to-do’ list, your partner or your boss’s demands. It is the way your brain tells you that no matter what – it is just never enough. The good news is, I can help you with releasing anxiety. We can break the pattern so you can have work life balance. More ease.

My method is a simple 4-part process called Inner Peace Pathway. And it’s worked for all of my overachieving clients — even the skeptical ones ; ) It starts with energetically shifting so we can get you unstuck. Then, you can take aligned action (based on your values). Next, you celebrate and validate yourself so you no longer need validation from others. As a result, you will know how to set energetic boundaries — so you are no longer saying “yes” to things out of obligation. You will feel so good about yourself and your decisions, that you are no longer seeking acceptance and approval from others.

I’m here to support you.

Lesha Nashae was born gifted. She inherited her gifts through a long line of intuitives. Naturally honing in on her sixth sense, as she recalls, before fully developing communication skills as a young child. After leaving home to live on her own at a tinder age, Iesha fought through the deep inner emotions of abandonment, trauma, and isolation. With determination and her desire to make a difference in the world, Iesha followed her inner calling of inspiring and transforming others through her own inner work. She is a passionate intuitive reader and transformational life coach dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential and live a life of purpose and fulfillment. Iesha is an ordained minister and is actively pursuing a PhD in Philosophy. Iesha currently resides in South Florida with her rescue dog named Rafi. She practices reiki and provides intuitive life coaching, readings, and a variation of other services through her business at Mindful Ascensions, while continuously creating innovative ways to share her light with the world.

Have a Look at Our

Massage therapy center

You deserve better than a rushed massage by a rookie therapist in a place that makes you feel more stressed.


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Ways to Work With Me

1-on-1 Coaching

Our initial session begins with free 60-minute consultation where we you will find out exactly how to break the patterns. By the end of this call you will know whether it is a good fit to begin a 6 month 1:1 coaching package.

1-on-1 Coaching

Our initial session begins with free 60-minute consultation where we you will find out exactly how to break the patterns. By the end of this call you will know whether it is a good fit to begin a 6 month 1:1 coaching package.

1-on-1 Coaching

Our initial session begins with free 60-minute consultation where we you will find out exactly how to break the patterns. By the end of this call you will know whether it is a good fit to begin a 6 month 1:1 coaching package.

“After working with a therapist on my codependency issues, I never really felt like we went deep enough. Then I found Camy, and she helped me get to the root of why my brain was thinking this way so I could change it!"

David, Photographer.

It's time for you to stop worrying what other people think of you

Book a Free 60 Minute Consult Call>